The Truth About Donald Trump

OK, I am just going to lay out the facts about Donald Trump.  I then leave it to my fellow conservatives to decide whether or not they should be supporting the man.  I can’t force you — but I can ask you a question which has been puzzling me for a long time — why?  Why support him?

Why not?  I’ll give you all the reasons why not.  Here is the long list of facts about Donald Trump:

  1. He mocks the disabled.  Trump will claim that he did not know the guy, and had no clue what he looked like or of his deformities, but, saying “You’ve gotta see the guy” followed by a pretty close impression . . . come on.
  2. He is a chauvinist who consistently disses women and turns them into nothing more than hunks of meat, either appealing or ugly.  Don’t believe me?  Check out 18 things he actually said about them.  Oh, and while you’re at it, check out this little gold mine, in which Trump calls Arianna Huffington so ugly that it was a good idea for her husband to become gay and leave her.
  3. He is a liar.  Every time he promises something, he turns around and contradicts himself later on, or claims that he never said it to begin with.  His campaign is built on lies and figures and statistics that he simply made up on the spot.
  4. He has been unfaithful in marriage and has had affairs with married women.  And bragged about it.
  5. He has made some rather disturbing remarks about his daughter and her body.
  6. He does not support freedom of religion.  He believes a person should be kept out of our country based solely upon their religion.
  7. He has insulted, demeaned, mocked, and been flat-out nasty to basically anyone who breathes.
  8. He mocked a U.S. veteran and prisoner-of-war for getting caught.
  9. He goes back and forth on many issues, including his support of Hillary Clinton, his knowledge of David Duke, a white supremacist who praised Trump; his stand on military interrogation techniques; his stand on Syrian refugees, to name a few.  Which is it, Donald?  Guess we’ll never know, because he says one thing one day, and the next, he says the opposite.  Or he backs his stance up.  Or he claims he never said it in the first place.  Whichever gets more voters.
  10. His foreign policy (which stinks to high heaven, in case anyone has checked) comes from a very reliable source: himself!
  11. He will isolate us from almost every nation worldwide by his aforementioned sorry excuse for foreign policy.  Examples: Mexico, Great Britain, Israel, and others.  I could go on.  Look it up for yourself — they don’t like him.
  12. He dropped this very disturbing quote that he could shoot someone and still have support.  Seriously?
  13. He is in love with no one but himself.  Don’t believe me?  Then when was the last time you said this, or this, or . . . well, I don’t know.  Just look up any one of his interviews.  Seriously, he is that dude at the office that brags about himself so much you want to slap him upside the head . . . or elect him president.  Wait . . . what?
  14. He quotes Benito Mussolini, fascist dictator of Italy.  Remember World War II?  No, it wasn’t a video game.
  15. He claimed Fiorina wouldn’t make a good president, because she’s an ugly woman.
  16. He encourages people to use violence to squash anyone who opposes him, even suggesting he’d pay legal fees if they assaulted anti-Trump protesters.
  17. He loves poorly educated voters.  Yes, Mr. Trump, I bet you do.

We could go on here, but seriously — look at the above list.  Forget that it’s Donald Trump we’re talking about.  Forget that it’s the president we’re talking about.  Would you trust this man as your children’s school principal?  Your boss?

But give him orange hair, a tan, millions of dollars, and a shot at the presidency, and suddenly, he is a wonderful man.

Conservatives, Christians, human beings, why are you supporting this man?  Please answer me that question after looking at the above list.  I am not making this stuff up.  These are things he’s actually said and done.  You can look them up for yourself.  Somebody please explain to me America’s fascination with this vile man?  I stand more and more bewildered everyday at the number of Christians, conservatives, and Republicans, who support him.

Somebody do me a favor — answer me why?  Why are we fanatically embracing this man?  Seriously, that’s not a rhetorical question.  Comment below, email me, message me, and tell me why!

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